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Pugg's Dream

"Puggo's Dream" tells the story of Puggo, a man living in a village with his wife, who is an herbalist. Puggo leads a simple life, delivering herbs to nearby villages, but he is haunted by recurring nightmares. One day, after encountering a group of mystical yokai in the forest, he wakes up transformed into a snail. This transformation forces Puggo to see his world from a new perspective, challenging his identity and his understanding of his environment. As he navigates life in this new form, Puggo embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning about his true self and confronting the comfort and constraints of his previous life. The play unfolds as a metaphorical exploration of personal growth, the struggle to break free from the confines of familiarity, and the quest for authenticity in a constantly changing world.

Jagoda Kamov - Puggo's Dream


In creating "Puggo's Dream," I delved deep into how our environment profoundly influences our identity, perceptions, and relationships. This theme is central to the play and mirrors my own transition from the familiarity of my hometown to the vibrant yet daunting landscape of London, a move that was pivotal in my journey of self-discovery and reshaped my conception of home and self.














Through "Puggo's Dream," I explore the notion that our environments can serve as sanctuaries and prisons simultaneously, offering comfort through familiarity while imposing limits on our growth. Puggo's migration from a village to a city embodies this conflict—the security of the known clashing with the transformative potential of the unfamiliar. This narrative resonates deeply with me, reflecting my personal confrontation with change, the initial discomfort of new beginnings, and the subsequent exhilarating revelation of discovering my true self in a new setting. The play is a reflection of my belief in environmental determinism, suggesting that our surroundings shape our life stories, influencing our actions, dreams, and thoughts.













"Puggo's Dream" represents my conviction that stepping out of our comfort zones is vital for personal growth, even if it involves facing the unknown and parting with connections that once grounded us.















Puggo's journey is a reflection of my own—his transformation and the decisions he faces mirror the challenges and revelations I experienced when adapting to a new environment, confronting the fear of change, and ultimately finding a more authentic sense of self. It's about the courage required to leave behind the familiar in search of meaning, even at the expense of comfort and certainty.












Through "Puggo's Dream," I aim to encourage the audience to reflect on their own environments and consider how these settings have shaped their identities. It's a personal narrative expressed through a play that speaks to the universal quest for self-realization and the intricate relationship between place and person.

Jagoda Kamov - Puggo's Dream


Theatre Technis

CAST: James Holdsworth, Michael Molino,Camila Abrantes,

Lana Helena Hulenic, Olja Mladjenovic, Milica Guceva,

Viktor Toth, Tobias Lewis

COSTUME: Josefin Rickan



DIRECTOR/ AUTHOR: Jagoda N. Winter

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